Why subscribe?

I write weekly dispatch on what I find exciting about art making, observing nature and becoming really alive.

My field of interest is broad, and over the years I learnt that curiosity about things small and big is my fuel. I try to write about what matters to me and what might matter to you. Life generally just mesmerizes me endlessly. I hope I am able to convey this genuine interest to my readers and explore the world together.

Who am I?

My name is Vera Golosova, I am artist, letterer, calligrapher, photographer and filmmaker.

Also I am a parent, an immigrant, a book art director.

My website is https://veragolosova.art/.

This is me

This is my art

Subscribe to Chronicles from afar

Observation journal on being human, books and nature from artist, letterer, calligrapher, filmmaker, photographer.


Letterer / Illustrator Photographer Book art director Nature enthusiast And just a nerd